Payment Protection 保险


Payment Protection 保险

Life can be wonderful. But it can also get complicated when unexpected things happen.

Payment Protection1 有没有一种既简单又省钱的方法来保护你的家人并确保你的信用卡安全, 汽车贷款, or 个人贷款 payments are maintained if you become unemployed, 禁用, 或者死去. 这种保护可以取消你的贷款余额或支付到合同的最高限额.

生活+ is an optional add-on to Payment Protection, 这为意外肢解等生活事件增加了额外的保护, 绝症, 住院治疗, family medical leave, and the loss of life of a non-protected dependent. 今天保护你的贷款余额或贷款支付,这样你的家人就可以少担心明天. 购买保险是自愿的,不会影响你的贷款审批.


A symbol of a padlock. 图标.

Protect Your Payments and Debts

Available on 汽车贷款, 个人贷款s, and credit cards

A shield with a check mark. 图标.

Comprehensive Coverage

Full monthly payments may be cancelled, up to contract maximums

Hands holding a red heart symbol. 图标.

生活+ Added Protection

这个可选的附加组件为意外肢解提供了更多的保护, 绝症, 住院治疗, family medical leave, and loss of life of a non-protected dependent

A hand holding cash.

Affordable Protection

Only pay coverage for what you owe, cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s have a conversation

在Patelco, 我们把您的财务健康放在第一位,并提供免费的金融指导,由Patelco认证金融专家提供.2 理财专家可以帮你制定个性化的理财策略,这样你就能掌控自己的钱,并跟踪自己的理财进度.


Coverage for the unexpected

Patelco offers 保险 solutions3 在人生的每个阶段,无论你或你的家人在哪里,我们都会为你提供服务. 了解更多关于如何保护自己和你爱的人的信息.

    帕特尔科通过我们的帕特尔科保护计划帮助您为意外做好准备. We know that life can come at you in the most unexpected ways; that’s why we offer protection plans to help you be financially prepared for anything that comes along. Are you ready for the expected?
    What if there’s an injury and you’re unable to work? Will your current coverage be enough? Or in the event of your unexpected death, will your family be able to keep up with everyday expenses and debt?
    这是可能的计划与我们的贷款和支付保护计划,取消您的贷款支付或余额, up to the contract maximums, if you suffer a covered unemployment, disability 或者死去.
    But what if other unexpected expenses come along? Can you cover the gap?
    例如, getting a new vehicle is exciting, but it starts losing value the second you drive it off the lot. 如果车子坏了或者被偷了,你欠下的钱可能比你的保险还多, and that gap could be thousands of dollars.
    For a one-time cost of $595, Guaranteed Asset Protection, 或GAP +, 能帮你缩小差距,让你回到属于你的地方——开车吗. It can be financed as part of your loan. 在5年的贷款过程中,平均每月超过8美元, giving you protection and can help provide you peace of mind.
    But what happens when those big repair bills come along?
    机械故障保险(MBI)可以大大减少维修费用. 只要选择一个计划和免赔额,以帮助减少你的自费维修费用,并获得额外的福利,如路边援助, rental and travel expense reimbursement, 和更多的. So when life throws you an unexpected curve – you can be covered.
    Ask a team member for a quote or learn more at保险.

Get Payment Protection
It’s easy to get the coverage you need today.
  • 1 您购买“终身保”付款保障是可选的,不会影响您的信贷申请或获得贷款所需的任何信贷协议的条款. 某些资格要求、条件和例外情况可能适用. 请联络您的贷款代表或参阅会员协议,以获得有关终身保债务保障条款的详细说明. You may cancel the protection at any time. 如果您在30天内取消保护,您将收到已支付费用的全额退款.

  • 2 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. (“CFS”),一家注册经纪交易商(FINRA/SIPC成员)和SEC注册投资顾问. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Patelco信用合作社已与CFS签订合同,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.

  • 3 保险产品不是Patelco信用合作社的存款,也不受NCUA的保险. 它们不受Patelco 信贷 Union的担保,可能存在风险. 帕特尔科信用社作为延长信用条件所要求的任何保险不需要从帕特尔科保险服务公司购买,可以从会员选择的代理或保险公司购买. Patelco 保险 Services is a subsidiary of Patelco 信贷 Union. 保险 products are offered by Patelco 保险 Services, a California 保险 agency (License #0C97544). 任何投诉都可以提交给加州保险部门, 保险

  • All statements made are subject to provisions, 除外责任, 条件, and limitations of the applicable 保险 policy. Coverages and features are not available in all states. Eligibility is subject to meeting applicable underwriting criteria. 在州法律法规允许的地方可以享受折扣和优惠,各州可能有所不同. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify. 在州法律法规允许的情况下,将获得消费者报告机构的消费者报告和/或机动车辆报告,这些报告列在保险单上. Please consult your policy for specific coverages and limitations.

